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Armando Gallo Knows What He Likes – An interview

We recently sat down with Armando Gallo whose books and Genesis App is a testament to his career that has been entwined with Genesis. Armando had recently funded his Genesis …

Mar 2015 Read More →

Crediting and Small Site Changes and News

A short-ish blog update. We hate to moan, truth be told. We love that you folk enjoy the site, and we love that people want to see things we host …

Jun 2014 Read More →

Copyright and Images

We were talking it over the other day and have decided to make this little post. Unfortunately we have noticed several sites taking images from here and not crediting where …

Jun 2013 Read More →

Site Stats From the 1st Jan to 17th Jan 2013

Have a look how the site performed at the start of 2013

Jan 2013 Read More →

Mobile and Tablet Compatibility

Hello readers, In this fancy modern bewildering world where you can access the entire world’s information on a device barely the size of your hand, it is easy to forget …

Jan 2013 Read More →

Our plans

We have achieved far more than we first anticipated, not only is there a forum but there is also a twitter feed and of course facebook. We have also been …

Jan 2013 Read More →


A quick note on submissions or contributions: If you are planning on scanning something in for us please make it at least 200 DPI and keep the image as flat …

Oct 2012 Read More →

The Archive is Live

It is alive! Please bear with us whilst we make sure that everything is in working order.

Oct 2012 Read More →

Cleaning Images – What We’re Doing Here At TGA

One of the processes that we are going to do here at The Genesis Archive (and have been doing since the start), is cleaning and making scans and other images …

Aug 2012 Read More →

Sounds – 25th Dec 1982 – Johnny Waller interviews Phil Collins

  Sounds 25th Dec 1982 – Johnny Waller interviews Phil Collins….. (Thanks to NOV for providing the item)

Dec 1982 Read More →