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Tour itinerary – Genesis – We Can’t Dance tour – European leg – 26th June

This is the European tour itinerary for the 1992 Genesis tour We Can’t Dance.

Starting on the 26th June 1992 in the UK (the band/crew were in hotels) running through to 3rd August 1992.

This is a typical tour itinerary covering many aspects of the tour around Europe.

(Many thanks to Chris Simmons for this tour itinerary)

** Please do not contact any of the companies in the tour itinerary most have in the last 23 years been through staff changes
and moved address – changed phone numbers etc They will also be bound by confidentiality clauses not to discuss their client
and or there clients tour. If you try and contact these people you may result in spoiling it for others who enjoy the archival
nature of this material.**

  1992  /  We Cant Dance Tour  /  Last Updated December 29, 2015 by The-Archiver  /  Tags: