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Letter – from South Warnborough Manor – 14th July

This is a letter from the owners of South Warnborough Manor, thanking Peter and the boys “Genesis” for the flowers etc and it goes on to explain how empty the place feels now that the band have left.

According to text on the former official Genesis website:

The summer of 1968 was spent writing and rehearsing in preparation for a ten day recording session in Regent Studios organised by Jonathan King. Drummer Chris Stewart had left the band to finish his studies at Charterhouse and a new drummer, John Silver, stepped in.

It was the time when budding musicians went to ‘get their heads together in the country’ and for the band things were no different. Time was spent at John Silver’s parent’s house in Oxford and in large country house of the parent’s of friend David Thomas in South Warnborough in Hampshire.

It was at South Warnborough that Mike Rutherford and Anthony Phillips wrote the lyrics to ‘Window’ – taking inspiration from the idyllic countryside setting.

Letter text:

Dear Peter,

Sally joins me in thanking you + all “Genesis” for your kind thoughts for sending us those lovely flowers

We really did enjoy you “boys” being here livened the place up a bit , & now yesterday and today is very dead again, as Sally has the weekend off.

Trusting this finds you all quite well & very good luck to the LP

Kind regards to “Genesis”


Full address is:

South Warnborough Manor
South Warnborough
RG29 1RR

Note: this was all back in 1968, so please do not approach the owners of the Manor it is a private residence.

  1968  /  From Genesis to Revelation  /  Last Updated January 16, 2020 by The-Archiver  /