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Fan club – HYM – Letter to a fan – possible gig at The Friars – November

Hogweed Youth Movement – first official Genesis fanclub.

This is a letter written to a fan called “Mark”, his side of the letter we do not have access to but judging on the reply both Amanda and Maggie have answered him.

The letter gives details about the fanclub, and in the written text it goes on to state that there might be a gig at the Friars in Aylesbury in December.

This seems to be an early letter, both Amanda and Maggie went on to see Genesis many times in the early years. Hence our assumption that this is one of the earlier letters that were sent to curious and enquiring fans.

(Many thanks to Mark Kenyon for this letter)

  1971  /  Hogweed Youth Movement  /  Last Updated May 31, 2020 by The-Archiver  /