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Concert review – Genesis – The journal. – Newcastle-upon-Tyne – 17th January

The Wind and Wuthering tour – 1977

This review was published in The journal. (Newcastle-upon-Tyne, Tyne and Wear, England), on the 17th January 1977.

This show took place at The Newcastle City Hall, Newcastle, England on the 16th January 1977.


The Band has Biblical sense of time WITH a biblical sense of timing. Genesis had the first word when the 1977 rock season opened at Newcastle City Ball. Britain’s most well-bred band they are so civilised, they even have a crease in their own trousers – rewarded the loyal fans who queued in such vile weather for tickets with a two-hour show.

Their two Newcastle concerts – tonight’s show is also a sell out -come midway through their UK tour. Which is only their first leg of a worldwide marathon tour lasting the whole year.

Consequently. they were fresh. yet well run in. The audience mid-teens to and mainly male —listened respectively and applauded wildly they played their songs from their new – Wind and Wuthering’ album. but the biggest roars Were reserved for the older numbers.

Since Peter Gabriel left, there are less theatrics, but there was a variety of special effects, the best being the laser-like beams shooting round the rafters. The music, with Tony Ranks on keyboards, the main stay, was elegantly intellectual. But for a band which places such store on the lyrics, it must be counted a fault that they cannot be heard more distinctly.

  1977  /  Wind and Wuthering Tour  /  Last Updated September 17, 2022 by The-Archiver  /